- Integrated Management Systems
- Food Control Plans
- Training
- Internal Audits
We have very clear policies defined which ensure there are no conflicts of interest between consultancy and auditing.
Our team have all been involved with writing and delivering training in the following areas:
- Internal Auditor Training
- Food Safety Awareness
- HACCP, including the Dairy Industry, Meat Industry – Introduction and Advanced
- Pathogen Management, Meat Industry
- Microbiology
- CIP and Cleaning for the Dairy Industry
- RMP Development
- VITAL – Allergen Awareness
- Food & Related Products Processing (FRPP2)
- MPI Biosecurity Transitional Facility Operator Workshops
- Accredited Persons (Import Health Standard for Sea Containers)
- Transition Facility Operators (Transitional Facilities General Standard)
- Hazardous Substances (HSNO Act)
Integrated Management Systems
We can provide companies with a management tool to enable you to provide a consistent, reliable and quality product or service to your client or customer.
Food Control Plan Development
Food Control Plans are designed to identify and control food safety risks in order to establish and maintain safe food. Risks could be associated with raw materials, preparation, production, packaging, storage, handling, transport, distribution or at point of sale.
We can help you develop a Food Control Plan that meets the requirements and principles of HACCP, and meets the requirements of the Food Act.
Internal Audits
We have a wealth of experience in a wide array of industries and can provide independent internal audits or assessments.
We can also provide assistance and guidance in the following areas:
- Allergen Management and Labelling
- Labelling
- Microbiology Standards
At Quality Systems Specialists Ltd we can develop and deliver training packages which are tailored to meet your company’s specific requirements. Training can include but is not limited to food safety, HACCP, hygiene and internal auditing.
If you have a small number of participants then we can run a combined training course with other like minded businesses, alternatively if you have a number of staff we can perform in-house training sessions. The minimum number is 6 and maximum is 12-15 participants depending on space.
Quality Systems Specialists provides the following training courses.
• Internal Auditor Training
This is a two day course that provides participants with the skills and techniques to perform internal audits within their organisation.
It is preferable if participants have some prior knowledge of quality systems and an understanding of the techniques involved in effectively performing an internal audit. The course requires pre course material to be read prior to attending the course.
The course requires participants to apply the internal auditing skills learnt in workshops throughout the two day course.
• HACCP Training
QSS currently offer 2 types of HACCP Training:
One Day HACCP (Introduction)
People are able to explain the legislative requirements for HACCP plans, the application of HACCP as a tool for identifying and controlling potential food safety hazards; CCP’s and critical food safety limits relevant to the individual’s workplace or site; and corrective actions to be taken if food safety limits are exceeded.
Two Day HACCP (Advanced)
People are able to coordinate the development, validation, evaluation and verification of a HACCP plan.